Jilly D.


I lived off-the-grid with Sam Warren in a little cabin by the pond and farmed sustainably the past 12 years. In 2010 I found myself connected to the National Grid again and feel as though I just arrived from Mars for all the wild new technology demands on everyday life. This blog contains griefwords. 

Mostly about our story, but the blog is a place where I share grief and misery loves company. And I invite my readers to share their stories. About love and death. Add your comments or contact me to write a guest blog post. 

Farming on 40 acres in the heart of the Finger Lakes during the birth of the foodie movement, I learned from a self-educated genius and love of my life to only consume what I produced — including electric power — and strive to produce more than what I consume. Recently widowed, a recovering academic, and master of two Dalmatians, I’m now fighting for my soul.

Books have always been my salvation. The past dozen years I’ve put reading and writing on the back burner because I was busy living. I knew enough about successful writers to know that until they experienced it, lived it, knew it in their every step, every breath, their craft would fall on deaf ears. The richness of my everyday existence provided me with so much to do, I had no interest much less energy to write. I thought to myself, I can always do that later when I can’t bend over any more to pick beans, weed the cucumber patch, bale hay, make jams and jellies. Now that day has come. This blog is for me, the writer, the editor, the publisher.

This blog is because I could hardly find any books that resonated with my situation and experience. So I started writing again and maybe there’s a book in it somewhere. And maybe there’s not. For now, it’s about the processes of grieving and mourning and healing.

  1. I admire you for undertaking this journey of grief and mourning. Good vibes and warm thoughts from a well-meaning stranger.

  2. Beautiful. I couldn’t stop reading. Keep writing. Warm regards…

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